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Darlo Debs 3:12 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
This isn'y going to.plan is it COYI...

Maybe you'd be better off in Parlor (or whatever it called) where you can follow Hatie Hopkins

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 3:19 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
He's better than most in his position but fuck me he hasn't built the pyramids.

He's campaigned for the government to pay for meals during a holiday. Dont have kids. Dont have netflix or an iphone. I'm fucking sick of it. Whiney cunts like darlo debs get off on it though. Every cloud

riosleftsock 3:21 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
I think its laudable that this millionaire child wants the government to take money from poor people to give to feckless folk who take no responsibility for themselves.

His efforts could have been to more use persuading fathers to stick around for more than five minutes after getting their Doris up the duff.

Darlo Debs 3:22 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Whiney cunts like me..haha

It just makes me laugh when hd pisses off the likes of you.

Vexed 3:23 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Its ok for the gov to spend exponentially more on fucking shit businesses that cant cope with a sudden drop in income, That pisses me off loads more than feeding poor people.

You wonky fuckers.

Mr Kenzo 3:25 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
People are losing their jobs, if they had kids before the virus hit, is it their fault if their families are struggling to put food on the table? Well done Marcus

Side of Ham 3:25 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
It shouldn't be difficult to carry on with the meals then.......if it's not that big a deal....the bigger deal is made by the government not being quick to carry it on......maybe they should get the West Ham owners to pay decent rent on the stadium to help or are they now at fault for not being able to afford it now after having loads more fans not able to attend?

, 3:26 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
It’s convenient that Rashford speaks out at a time when this country has in charge a leader who is familiar with the issue of men fathering children from several partners.

Johnson 3:38 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford

, 3:39 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Couple more to go.

LeroysBoots 3:54 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
What Scorchio said

I like him, he seems a sound well grounded kid

BRANDED 4:01 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
I like him both as a footballer and a man. Makes most of them look like cunts.

Johnson 4:02 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Rashford is being driven by an agency in my opinion.

A couple of his tweets have looked suspiciously like they've come from an agency rather than the impassioned words of an individual.

Side of Ham 4:09 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
I'm not surprised if he is being driven by an agency, because you can guarantee at the other end they will be hoping to discredit a footballers comments at any given opportunity.

Sir Alf 4:25 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
The result is a positive thing. The question of where the motivation to do this came from is always us cynics first question. The follow up question is then similar, namely, having done this good thing and got kudos and positive feedback, appreciation etc. are you now doing it for solely the beneficiaries or for self interest or perhaps both?. Is the benefit to you the priority? Only Rashford or "his people" know that.

A related question is how this media attention all came about. Was it something they picked up on via a "source" or friend of Rashford or someone at his club or was it again "his people", agency or whoever making sure the media knew?. It seemed well timed to coincide with BLM and all that "good stuff" we are told is happening.

I personally doubt its about the recipients first. Sure Rashford and others will be glad about that as we all are but this is as much about marketing his image, raising his profile since to his agency he is a "product".

I prefer celebs like Ricky Tomlinson who anonymously gave a million quid to mining communities and causes he wanted to support. It was leaked by the recipients against Tomlinson's wishes. That is as near to altruism and selflessness as it gets. Rashford? Nah its about him as much as those he supports but if they get something out of it, support, help. money then its a nice byproduct despite the disingenuous nature of Rashford and/or his people.

BRANDED 4:32 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Piers Morgan says he's screamed and shouted about changing things all his life and never managed once and Rashford did it after one Tweet. He says he feels really humbled by that fact and needs to question the way he goes about things. I would suggest Piers' problem is that it really is all about Piers.

muskie 4:37 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Totally agree with COYI, dependency culture, sick perverted liberalism.

They'll expect the tax-payer to clothe them next, then what? The sanctimonious self righteous virtue signalling cunt will want us to pay for their holidays. Where will it end?

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:43 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Did a good thing, used his celebrity to create a forum and promote a debate.

If he wasn't a top earning footballer he wouldn't have been able to.

He's not claiming to be an expert he's claiming to have experienced it.

Untwist your knickers COYI, you seem agitated today.

Texas Iron 5:02 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Good intentions...

Raised awareness and cash...

Well done...

Great goal last night...

, 5:21 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Ricky Tomlinson did not give a million quid to mining communities.

For all we know Rashford might be making charitable donations to good causes. However as a full time pro footballer I doubt he has too much time to concentrate on other things.

I do commend the likes of Rashford and Tomlinson for pursuing good causes that are human rather than animal/pet focussed.

Northern Sold 5:38 Wed Oct 21
Re: Marcus Rashford
Yeah true that comma son… all the charities I donate to are for ‘orse’s and ‘ounds… not sure I’ll get an MBE for those…

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